safe houses

美 [seɪf ˈhaʊzɪz]英 [seɪf ˈhaʊzɪz]
  • n.(罪犯藏匿或警方保护人藏身等的)藏身处,安全屋
  • safe house的复数
safe housessafe houses

safe houses


  • 1
    N-COUNT (间谍、罪犯、警察的)藏身处,安全屋
    You can refer to a building as a safe house when it is used as a place where someone can stay and be protected. Safe houses are often used by spies, criminals, or the police.

    ...a farm which operates as a safe house for criminals on the run.


  1. By the time he reached Beijing , where he was kept for days in a series of safe houses , his foot was causing severe pain and he hobbled as he walked .


  2. With unlimited cash , weapons , safe houses all around the world .


  3. I went to visit one of the V-Day safe houses for girls ,


  4. they eventually wired $ 5000 , which wasn 't enough - they demanded the same amount again.For a couple of months Felix was shuttled around to a half dozen safe houses , sometimes sharing small , sweltering rooms with dozens of other prisoners .


  5. The Government insisted that Britain 's nuclear power stations are as safe as houses .


  6. I keep my money in the bank where it 's as safe as houses .


  7. Many dogs in the United States sleep in safe little houses near their owners ' home .


  8. It says on the company website that investing in their stocks is as safe as houses !


  9. Your money will be as safe as houses in that company .


  10. Your money will be as safe as houses with me .


  11. Summary of the Seismic Safe Rural Houses Project


  12. If you invest your money with us , it will be as safe as houses .


  13. If you fix the brakes the car will is as safe as houses .


  14. All farmers and herdsmen will have moved into safe modern houses by the end of 2013 .


  15. The ugly ones are as safe as houses , aren 't they , Jenny ? "


  16. Hovercraft is safe as houses , even if the engine broke down there 's no danger of sinking .


  17. The bank is as safe as houses compared with its wobbly Western peers , but its heyday is over .


  18. The ugly ones are as safe as houses , aren 't they , Jenny ? " and the speaker turned to one who was certainly not beautiful .


  19. You should put your money in a bank or building society account where it will be as safe as houses , rather than in one of these dubious high-interest investments .


  20. Taken a new rural village development and improving seismic resistance ability of rural houses as underlying standpoint , the necessity , feasibility and objectives of " the seismic safe rural houses project ( SSRHP )" are discussed in this paper .


  21. Some mistake points of view about safe electricity utilization of houses after installation of residual current operated protective devices was analyzed .


  22. The key of management and education is high efficient service and optimizing management & A bit of thinking about building safe and ease boarding houses for college students
